Indoor Pool Dehumidifier Selection Guide

Find the Right Indoor Pool Dehumidifier

Please use this form to obtain engineered equipment selections for dehumidification units serving spaces with indoor swimming pools, saunas, fitness centers, natatoriums or other high-humidity installations. Estimate values as closely as possible, since the more information provided the more accurate the selection for your project.

Please indicate if this is a replacement of a PoolPak, Seresco, Dectron, Desert Aire or another system. If you have questions, please contact our engineering support at (212) 920-4878.

Indoor Pool Dehumidifier Selection Form

Activity Factor

Number of Indoor Pools

5 + 8 =

Additional Design Considerations

  1. Make sure to get operating conditions in written form from the end user (pool water temperatures and room air temperatures).
  2. System supply CFM delivers 4-6 air changes per hour. The room volume dictates the supply CFM. Ensure that supply air gets to the ‘breathing zone.’ Return duct location compliments supply duct. The supply and return ducts are not short circuited.
  3. Outdoor air CFM per ASHRAE standard 62. Baseline of 0.48 CFM/sq. ft of water and wet deck for regular pools. Add 7.5 CFM per spectator, swimmers are not considered in the baseline calculation.
  4. The room is at a slightly negative air pressure (0.05 – 0.15 inches of water column). 110% of outside air is generally recommended. Is there source capture onsite? Is there an evacuator system onsite? Is exhaust air drawn from above high activity areas within the pool space.
  5. Latent loads for pools, outside and spectators. Sensible cooling and heating loads are calculated for the space design temperature.
  6. Are vapor barriers on the warm side of the dew point temperature in all walls, floors and ceilings? Are all windows, doors and skylights fully blanketed with 3-5 CFM of supply air?
  7. Consider the ASHRAE 90.1 energy standard. Heat energy recovery between the minimum outside air and minimum exhaust air. Can you do condensate reclamation? System refrigerant charge reduction – fluid cooled design.
  8. Consider the swim-meet mode. What is the total number of spectators and competitors? The spectator area needs 6-8 air changes and may need a microclimate to maintain comfortable conditions.
  9. Ensure service and maintenance with internet monitoring, that the unit is accessible and that there’s adequate service clearance.