Cuomo: Malls Must Fight Coronavirus. The Solution? PCO Air Purifiers.
Cuomo: Malls Must Fight Coronavirus. The Solution? PCO Air Purifiers.
Retrofitting existing equipment with HEPA filters is difficult and results in more maintenance and performance degradation. This can be avoided with PCO Air Purifiers.
Cuomo: Malls Need Air Systems that Filter the Coronavirus
According to Governor Andrew Cuomo, for New York malls to reopen, they need high-quality air systems that can filter out the coronavirus. We applaud Governor Cuomo for taking this step to protect the health of indoor occupants. However, using HEPA filters, as suggested, can lead to costly problems.
Using HEPA Filters Leads to Many Challenges
When existing HVAC equipment is retrofitted with HEPA filters, it’s not an easy process and can result in several challenges down the road. Specifically, HEPA Filters:
- Require a lot of maintenance: By capturing particles in the air, HEPA filters can get soiled quickly, and need to be cleaned or replaced often. This can be quite a time-consuming and expensive undertaking.
- Degrade system performance: To be effective at capturing particles, HEPA filters add substantial static pressure. This causes the rest of the HVAC system to have to work harder to counteract the drop in pressure, which harms performance.
- Increase energy consumption: Since HEPA filters generate so much static pressure, this means extra energy use. The result is diminished efficiency and higher operating costs.
Conventional Filters Miss Smaller Contaminants
Traditional filter systems on HVAC equipment capture large particles well. However, circulating throughout indoor air are smaller particles, such as viruses, bacteria and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs). Even the most efficient HEPA filters miss capturing smaller-sized contaminants, which, at 0.125 microns in diameter, describes the coronavirus.
The Solution is PCO Air Purifiers
Using Genesis Air Photocatalytic Oxidation (PCO) Air Purifiers enhances indoor air quality (IAQ) while avoiding the challenges listed above. Specifically, PCO Air Purifiers:
- Are easily retrofitted: Installation of PCO Air Purifiers into existing HVAC equipment is simple and straightforward.
- Are effortless to maintain: PCO Air Purifiers convert harmful contaminants into harmless substances, and therefore don’t need to be cleaned like a HEPA filter. Maintenance is only required once a year and is a breeze.
- Don’t harm system performance: Using PCO Air purifiers has zero impact on the operation of HVAC systems.
- Don’t use extra energy: Unlike HEPA filters, PCO Air Purifiers don’t add static pressure, which minimizes energy use and costs.
- Destroy all indoor air contaminants: PCO Air Purifiers combat all pollutants inside a space, including the smallest particles. This includes the coronavirus, which causes COVID-19. The results are improved IAQ and infection control.

PCO Air Purifiers are easy to install, don’t require a lot of maintenance, don’t impair system performance, don’t need extra energy, keep costs down and improve IAQ and infection control.
Download the PCO Air Purifiers Technology Overview
To learn more about PCO Air Purifiers, download a technology overview by clicking below.
PCO Air Purifiers Technology Overview
Learn why PCO Air Purifiers are the best choice for improving IAQ and infection control.
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