World Water Day 2023: Accelerating Change via Building Efficiency

World Water Day 2023: Accelerating Change via Building Efficiency

Mar 8, 2023 | Blog Posts, Insights

World Water Day 2023

Focus of World Water Day 2023: Accelerating Change

Celebrated annually on March 22, World Water Day’s theme this year is “Accelerating Change.” Consequently, key points include:

  • Right now, we are seriously off-track to meet Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6: water and sanitation for all by 2030.
  • Billions of people and countless schools, businesses, healthcare centres, farms and factories don’t have the safe water and toilets they need.
  • To accelerate change, we need more action.
World Water Day 2023

Global Water Demand To Increase by 55%

Further, as stated on the World Water Day website, global water demand (in water withdrawals) is projected to increase by 55% by 2050. This is mainly because of growing demands from manufacturing due to a predicted 400% increase. (OECD 2012)

Additionally, the World Water Day website also states that growing populations will consume more of everything. Water is a finite resource under growing pressure and we urgently need to be much more efficient and fairer in how it gets used, where and for whom.

World Water Day 2023
Source: Save the Water

The Solution? Optimize Water Efficiency in Buildings via Innovative Technologies

Conventional Buildings Waste Water

If water conservation is the goal, conventional buildings are a logical place to start because they are major water wasters. Did you know that buildings account for 12% of total water usage in the U.S. (EPA)? The main reason for this large amount is due to conventional HVAC water systems that are inefficient.

HVAC Efficiency Bolsters Water Efficiency

The way for buildings to use less water is by making HVAC systems more efficient. In fact, green buildings that are LEED-certified can cut water consumption by 11% (USGBC). This is because HVAC systems account for a huge amount of a building’s water use – 28-48% (EPA).

Building Electrification Leads To Water Conservation

The most efficient HVAC systems are electric. Utilizing them not only decreases carbon emissions, but it also significantly decreases water use. Hence, building electrification is a critical component of water conservation.

Heat Pumps Maximize Efficiency and Electrification

One of the most water-efficient building technologies available today is the heat pump, which supports electrification and decarbonization. Electricity-powered heat pumps can be 800% more efficient than conventional equipment. This results in drastic reductions in both energy and water consumption. For this reason, heat pumps play a key role in realizing building electrification and conserving water.

Rainwater Harvesting and Stormwater Control

Finally, technologies exist that combine rainwater harvesting and stormwater control to optimize water conservation. Such a solution utilizes a customizable engineered system that includes all necessary mechanical equipment, sensors, water treatment and controls to make rainwater fit for reuse and to intelligently control stormwater.

World Water Day 2023

Electrify and Decarbonize with Heat Pumps

Heat pumps maximize energy efficiency and support electrification, decarbonization and cost savings. Learn about the innovative heat pumps we offer in the New York City metro area by clicking below.

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Our technologies are customized for each job. Contact us for specifications and more information.


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