New Refrigerants Update: HIGHMARK’s Richard Gerbe Presents at NY-GEO

New Refrigerants Update: HIGHMARK’s Richard Gerbe Presents at NY-GEO

Jul 8, 2021 | News, News and Events

HIGHMARK CEO and Co-Founder, Richard Gerbe, presented on what’s in store with new refrigerants during NY-GEO’s 2021 webinar series.

Refrigerants Presentation at NY-GEO 2021

Lower Global-Warming Potential Refrigerants: What Should We Expect?

Recent federal and state hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) refrigerants legislation will require the HVAC industry to meet the growing call for environmental protection. This transition will have significant direct and indirect impacts on the heat-pump sector.

There have been previous refrigerant phase outs, most notably a global effort to eliminate atmospheric ozone depletion. Now the focus has shifted to addressing the very high global-warming potentials (GWP) of today’s commonly used refrigerants.

This next transition looks a bit more complicated with multiple, mildly flammable, low-GWP options available as soon as building codes allow. Richard Gerbe’s presentation provided an in-depth perspective on the next transition, leading low-GWP refrigerant candidates, timing and possible consequences for various stakeholders.

Refrigerants Presentation at NY-GEO 2021

HIGHMARK CEO and Co-Founder, Richard Gerbe, presented on the new refrigerants’ landscape during an NY-GEO webinar.

Presentation Highlights

Richard Gerbe presented during NY-GEO‘s 2021 webinar series on the new refrigerants. Highlights can be seen below.

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