NAPHN Passive House 2020: Heat Pumps are Everywhere
NAPHN Passive House 2020: Heat Pumps are Everywhere
Session Spotlight: Heat Pumps and Passive House
The North American Passive House Network (NAPHN) Passive House 2020 virtual conference unites the world’s best thought leaders to discuss how to achieve the rigorous standard. A key component of Passive House design is utilizing heat pumps, and one of the event’s main sessions addresses this topic. On July 15, 1-2 pm ET, HIGHMARK’s Richard Gerbe will co-present in, “Heat Pumps Are Everywhere: Critical Data & Applications in the Passive House Context.”
What the Session Will Address
The session description is as follows: “Heat pumps are quickly emerging as a potentially game-changing component in our struggle to decarbonize building operations. Yet, the equipment and its usage in Passive House buildings are not necessarily, automatically, compatible with each other. The Passive House Institute has applied the same scientific rigor to evaluating heat-pump performance as it has ventilation machines and window units. Find out the performance specifications and best practices for installation, to maximize your next project’s climate impact.”
Register Now by Clicking Below
To register for the conference, including the session mentioned above, click below:
NAPHN Passive House 2020
An interactive online building conference. Connect in conversation and develop the path to realize your goals.
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