“Electrification via Heat Pumps” – Richard Gerbe Presents at AEE 2021
“Electrification via Heat Pumps” – Richard Gerbe Presents at AEE 2021 “Electrification via Heat Pumps” – Richard Gerbe Presents at AEE 2021 Electrification via Heat Pumps HIGHMARK’s CEO and Co-Founder, Richard Gerbe, presented...NAPHN Passive House 2020: Heat Pumps are Everywhere
NAPHN Passive House 2020: Heat Pumps are Everywhere NAPHN Passive House 2020: Heat Pumps are Everywhere Session Spotlight: Heat Pumps and Passive House The North American Passive House Network (NAPHN) Passive House 2020 virtual conference unites the world’s best...BuildingEnergy Boston 2020 Sets Session Lineup
BuildingEnergy Boston 2020 Sets Session Lineup BuildingEnergy Boston 2020 Sets Session Lineup BuildingEnergy is one of the leading industry events for realizing sustainable and energy-efficient buildings. It’s organized annually by the Northeast Sustainable...BuildingEnergy NYC 2019
The NESEA BuildingEnergy NYC 2019 is a great showcase for solutions building electricifcation throughout the any builidng. For those of you who have attended our session: Tools for Electrification: EVs, Demand Response, Complete Air Barriers, and DHW, or met us at our booth, we thank you for your attendance.
New York Geothermal Energy Organization Expo 2019 (NY-GEO)
In North America, 350 billion Kwh worth of hot water are discarded annually through the drains. In North America and the EU, 87+ billion gallons of wastewater go down the sewers each day, which can replace 1.5 billion Mwh of natural gas consumption. How can wastewater’s thermal…
ASPE New York 2019
American Society of Plumbing Engineers Expo 2019. The American Society of Plumbing Engineers (ASPE) Convention & Expo is dedicated to quality education, connections and experiences for those skilled in the design, specification and inspection of plumbing systems. Learn more about HIGHMARK at ASPE 2019.
NAPHN New York 2019
The North American Passive House Network (NAPHN) is leading the transformation of the building industry to low-energy, high-performance Passive House design and construction. We support the widespread adoption of the international Passive House design and construction standards, building science principles and protocols.